Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Micah's Baseball

Last Night we had Micah's First baseball practice. It was good and he was really excited about it. His team name is "The Express!" It was quite cute as we were getting him ready to go he put on his baseball pants, cleats, pittsburgh pirates 3 quarter sleeve length shirt (because it is still cool at night and warm in the day), and a UGA ballcap.

We get in the van and head that way and Micah looks at us and says, I am hot. I don't have much skin showing, except here (pointing to his arm where the sleeve isn't covering), and here (pointing where the other sleeve is covering), and my face. He was good and was making it clear to us that he wasn't going to be cold b/c he only had 3 parts of skin showing.

Can't wait until the season to start!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My New Bucket List - 1000 uses of Press n Seal

After learning about the amazing product made by Glad called, "Press and Seal" I decided to take them up on their challenge. They have a website called, "1000uses.com" So I have decided my new Bucket List will be to use Glad's Press and Seal 1000 different ways. Here are some of the areas I am going to start with...

***These are some actual uses people use Glad's Press n Seal for and I can't wait to get started...

Kitchen - Use as a Chair Cover in your Kitchen - Can't afford to get food on Kitchen Chairs.

Living Room - Puzzles - use it to keep puzzle pieces together - never lose one again.

Dining Room - Candle Drip Catcher - Makes those candles look awesome and catches the drips

Garage/Work Room - Window Decals - cut cool shapes out of them and use as a window decal.

Office- Knick Knacks - Use to help keep all the small knick knacks & office supplies organized.

Bathroom - Hair Accessories. Now my wife can enjoy her many hairstyles with Glad's Press and Seal keeping her hair looking just the way she wants.

Kid's Stuff - Crayons - use to wrap crayons so kids won't lose. (I guess they lost the crayon box)

Patio/BBQ - Flash Flood Emergency - Yes, use the press n seal to keep water out of the doors during a flash flood.

Garden - Hiding Extra Keys. Seal a key in Press n Seal and hide in a flower pot. *Were we afraid that the key might get dirty??

Pets - Keeping my hedgehogs' wheel clean. *Should I say more?

Travel - Fossils. *You can wrap those fossils you find when traveling.

Entertaining - wall hanging/ window mobile. You won't believe what cool wall hangings you can make to entertain your friends.

Home Remodeling - Should I say any more??

Please leave a comment on which way you would like to use Glad Press n Seal.

Aluminum Foil or Saran Wrap...wait there is something better

Well, for the past few days I have been debating the question of should I use Aluminum foil or Saran Wrap to cover a plate of leftovers. I have struggled with which is the proper method. I love the way Aluminum foil wraps around the plate and doesn't come loose. I love how with Saran wrap you can see your food. If you cover 8 or 9 plates of leftovers then you would be able to see which plate of leftovers you want to get out without having to uncover and recover.

My last plate of leftovers I covered I used Saran Wrap and noticed it was coming loose which wasn't what I was going for when I originally covered it. Thankfully with help of Facebook friends something new has been presented to me.

Glad has made a product called, "Press and Seal." It seals like aluminum foil but it is clear so you can see through it like Saran Wrap. Man, this is as good as when they decided to make postage stamps stick on. Here is a description of the "Press and Seal." (Taken from http://www.glad.com/plasticwrap/pressnseal.php)

"While other wraps cling, Press'n Seal® wrap actually seals to a variety of surfaces including paper, plastic, and wood. Create your own custom bags or freeze in individual portions. You can help keep food fresh in the refrigerator and freezer, help prevent spills and use it in the microwave, too.GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap lets you create a custom fit to seal freshness in."

Can't wait to get some and use it!!

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe

My boys and I were watching one of thouse 1 million shows about funny videos, can't remember the name of this one. Anyways, they had a short episode of "The True Adventures of Chad, the guy who was so into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe that he decided to live in a ball. It was one of the funniest things I have seen. So here is the one Micah, David and I were looking at yesterday and this morning. Enjoy!

"Swim Meet"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Having fun running suicides..."really??"

Well, what an interesting day in the life of my boys! Since my wife started working at the church we have needed to bring the boys up to hang out at the church. They are tracked out now and they have fun doing different things there. Later on today they were in our gym area and were running around and I said, "Hey, want to have a cool race?" Of course young boys of 7 and 9 love racing so, I explained how to run suicides:

Step1 Stand at one end of a basketball court, soccer field or volleyball court behind the out-of-bounds line. Terminology referenced here is specific to a basketball court.

Step2 Listen for the whistle or other signal to begin running the suicides. Sprint as fast as you can to the free throw line on your side of the court.

Step3 Touch the free throw line with your hand. Abruptly switch directions and return to the out-of-bounds line where you started, making sure to bend down and touch the line.

Step4 Sprint toward the half court line. Touch this line, switch directions and return to the out of bounds line, again bending down to touch the line.

Step5 Run toward the free throw line on the opposite side of the court. Touch that line with your hand and return to and touch the out-of-bounds line.

Step6 Finish the suicide by running as fast as you can to the out-of-bounds line on the opposite side of the court. Touch the line and run back to your original starting point.

Well, I held up my hand and said go. They both ran as hard as they could. Right afterwards, they were like, "Can we do it again?" I responded back, "Sure," thinking how exercise is great for these boys! So they did it again and pushed as hard as they could on the final run back.

Afterwards, they wanted to do it again but wanted me to make it even harder....hmmm. I wonder how much they will like it if they have to do it for sports practice when they are older.

A Day in the Life of a Boy

Well, I decided that b/c I have 2 boys it would be great to share the experiences and life that they have. There are a lot of great stories and moments that come from the life of a boy.