Well, yes I have 2 boys that are 7 and 9 and they love to use language that we have told them belongs in the bathroom. Now this language is not cursing or bad words so much as the discussion of what takes place with a persons body that needs to be limited to a bathroom. For some reason both of my boys feel it is necessary to talk about certain things at the dinner table. This is your cue to go to the next post if you have a problem with bathroom discussions.... pause..while you decide to continue reading......ok...
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now that you have decided to stay with me the words that my boys like to use is the word "Fart". At the table the other day both boys were passing gas as some would say and they were laughing quite a bunch at this and using the word fart. I looked at them and expressed my desire for them not to talk about that at the table and if they needed to use that word they could go into the bathroom and do it there.
Immediately, Micah asked with a smirk on his face if he could be excused to the bathroom. Knowing what was running through his mind, I agreed. After he left the table and went into the bathroom I followed him over there to listen. I could hear him in the bathroom yelling, "Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart," I stopped him and said, "Micah, please don't yell it for us all to hear, whisper." Then he continues whispering, "Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart...." I had to laugh at the fact that I have 2 boys! Yes, Boys will be boys..women will never understand!