Friday, June 5, 2009


My boys got a double slide slip-n-slide and they love it. They will run together and see who can slide the farthest. When one of them wins they get a point. When someone gets to 10 points they are allowed to sit in the pool area at the end of the slide while the other one slides. For everytime the other slides they have to give up 1 point. They call this "Cool in the Pool Days". So David ended up winning most of the time and he had the most "Cool in the Pool Days." Seems like you would want the free slide..but hey, what do I know. I am just the dad~ This is the one they got!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hilarious Ebay Item - (Matt Ryan)

Ok.... I love the Atlanta Falcons and Matt Ryan is awesome so I wanted to share an awesome Ebay Item up for sale. You better hurry b/c there is a bidding war on this one!

Don't eat or drink when you look at this or you may choke or spit it out!

A Broken foot and a glass of Milk

My Wife Broke her foot and she took some medicine with a glass of milk. Her removable boot cast looks like this.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bathroom Talk - (warning: bathroom talk in this post)

Well, yes I have 2 boys that are 7 and 9 and they love to use language that we have told them belongs in the bathroom. Now this language is not cursing or bad words so much as the discussion of what takes place with a persons body that needs to be limited to a bathroom. For some reason both of my boys feel it is necessary to talk about certain things at the dinner table. This is your cue to go to the next post if you have a problem with bathroom discussions.... pause..while you decide to continue reading......ok...

Scroll down for more......

now that you have decided to stay with me the words that my boys like to use is the word "Fart". At the table the other day both boys were passing gas as some would say and they were laughing quite a bunch at this and using the word fart. I looked at them and expressed my desire for them not to talk about that at the table and if they needed to use that word they could go into the bathroom and do it there.

Immediately, Micah asked with a smirk on his face if he could be excused to the bathroom. Knowing what was running through his mind, I agreed. After he left the table and went into the bathroom I followed him over there to listen. I could hear him in the bathroom yelling, "Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart," I stopped him and said, "Micah, please don't yell it for us all to hear, whisper." Then he continues whispering, "Fart, Fart, Fart, Fart...." I had to laugh at the fact that I have 2 boys! Yes, Boys will be boys..women will never understand!

Friday, April 24, 2009

2 Boys and a Jet Pack

On the way home from school the other day, I overheard my boys discussing a very interesting topic. David asked Micah if Boba Fett instead of using a Jet Pack, could instead just shoot bazooka's at the ground and keep himself in the air. David then asked if you could only get 1 shot off with a bazooka before you have to re-load. I told him that it would only hold 1 shell that you could fire. We thought about it and they said you could have the bazooka shells in a backpack on his back. At that point it would be better to just use the jet pack. It was definately a funny conversation to listen to for several minutes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Hamster Died Yesterday...

Hamsters: There were 2 girls, then there was 1 girl right before we moved, then there was 1 boy and 1 girl, then there was 11, then we gave 9 to a pet store and there was 4.... Then in Jan. there was 3, in early April it went to 2 and then yesterday it went to 1! 1 Little hamster left. They are cute pets, easy to care for, but they only live about 2 years.
"Peaches" is the one who died yesterday!

On a happy note.... You can save money by switching to Geico!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A little about Easter....

Sorry, I have been absent for a few days on the blog. I was taking some time off - mentally. We had a fantastic Easter and a great time at church on Sunday. Check out to listen to the Easter Message from our Pastor. It was great. I talked with the students this weekend about the Reason for the Resurrection. As we look at time like Easter when so many people are curious about why Jesus Did what He did it is important to seek to not only find answers but also ask the right questions. My passion is to understand Who God is and how we relate to Him in such a way that I will live my life according to what is true. When looking at the Bible we start with the assumption that there is a God and the Bible reveals who that God is. If you are someone who is struggling with believing there is a God, I would love to talk with you more about this (preferrably over a cup of coffee). I love getting into the logic and reasoning behind it.
Back to the Resurrection....
Here are 3 quick concepts to help us understand the Reason for the Resurrection.

Before you check out those concepts you can look at some books about how proofs of the resurrection.

1) The resurrection confirms that Jesus was who He said he was. It reveals what God did was true. If he would have stayed dead then he would have just been another good man, or prophet, who died. It showed that what He said and did was true.
2) The resurrection allows us to live a "transformed" (changed, new, metamophosized) life! Because Jesus is not dead He has the power to help us live in the way God designed for us.
3) The resurrection gives us hope for the future. Because Jesus is now living with God and He didn't die again, we can know that there is life after this world and we die on earth. There is a hope that we can hold on to.
Please take some time this week to think about how our life would be different if we lived like we really believed the resurrection happened or how would it be different if we lived like we didn't believe that it happened.
If you want to talk more about this I do love talking about how the Bible can make sense to people. It is full of questions on life and death and we owe it to ourselves to to seek out the answers and look to ask the right questions.