Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Hamster Died Yesterday...

Hamsters: There were 2 girls, then there was 1 girl right before we moved, then there was 1 boy and 1 girl, then there was 11, then we gave 9 to a pet store and there was 4.... Then in Jan. there was 3, in early April it went to 2 and then yesterday it went to 1! 1 Little hamster left. They are cute pets, easy to care for, but they only live about 2 years.
"Peaches" is the one who died yesterday!

On a happy note.... You can save money by switching to Geico!


  1. Oh Kevin didn't know about the last one. Which one died this time. Mom

  2. It was Peaches... Comet is the only one left! Micah's hamster.

  3. So is his name still Comet? I like the name Fluffy Knuckles in case Micah is looking to change it again.
