Well, what an interesting day in the life of my boys! Since my wife started working at the church we have needed to bring the boys up to hang out at the church. They are tracked out now and they have fun doing different things there. Later on today they were in our gym area and were running around and I said, "Hey, want to have a cool race?" Of course young boys of 7 and 9 love racing so, I explained how to run suicides:
Step1 Stand at one end of a basketball court, soccer field or volleyball court behind the out-of-bounds line. Terminology referenced here is specific to a basketball court.
Step2 Listen for the whistle or other signal to begin running the suicides. Sprint as fast as you can to the free throw line on your side of the court.
Step3 Touch the free throw line with your hand. Abruptly switch directions and return to the out-of-bounds line where you started, making sure to bend down and touch the line.
Step4 Sprint toward the half court line. Touch this line, switch directions and return to the out of bounds line, again bending down to touch the line.
Step5 Run toward the free throw line on the opposite side of the court. Touch that line with your hand and return to and touch the out-of-bounds line.
Step6 Finish the suicide by running as fast as you can to the out-of-bounds line on the opposite side of the court. Touch the line and run back to your original starting point.
Well, I held up my hand and said go. They both ran as hard as they could. Right afterwards, they were like, "Can we do it again?" I responded back, "Sure," thinking how exercise is great for these boys! So they did it again and pushed as hard as they could on the final run back.
Afterwards, they wanted to do it again but wanted me to make it even harder....hmmm. I wonder how much they will like it if they have to do it for sports practice when they are older.