I just wanted to share some random discussions I had with my boys. There is no way I can do it justice b/c their voices make it all better. If you know Micah and how he talks it would make it even funnier.
There were several comments that they make all the time that are really funny but I just can't get to my computer in time to remember them all.
The only thing I remember from yesterday is... Micah was talking to us and said, "Did you know Mom that Wal-mart has 18-20 feet of legos?" Becca replied, "yes, I do, and you know how I know." Micah said, "How?" She replied, "Because you already told me that."
I continued to find out what he was talking about and asked, "So do they sell 18-20 feet or what is it?" Micah laughs at me and says, "If you buy all the sets."
hmmmm....what an interesting way of looking at the size of legos!
This morning...I had asked David to go downstairs and finish cleaning up his breakfast and so when I got downstairs and saw Micah at the Kitchen table and David laying on the couch I asked, "David, what are you doing?"
Micah Responds with, "He is making me learn how to do splits." I was like, "What?" David goes on to explain why he was teaching Micah to do splits when Micah blurts out, "But I don't want to do splits."
Well, Micah buddy..then don't do splits!